Tyrannosaurus Tuesday

Posted: April 26, 2011 in Uncategorized

We did our first 2 tank dive where we take an extra tank on the boat and change over tanks after the dive. It works well but its taxing on the body to dive one after the next. The rest of the day I spent chilling out and getting bored.

Ellie has introduced a new camp game called murderer where each person is given someone to kill and if that person is killed then their killer inherits their person. The way to give someone is to pass them a predetermined object in a predetermined place. Past examples include a volley ball in the shower and a fork underwater. So everyone at the moment is paranoid that they’ll be killed

I think the mosquito’s in this place are becoming immune to my bug spray. I’m going to have to update to some hard core chemicals to get these things to stop biting me. The staff at the camp don’t get bitten anymore for some reason. Hopefully I get to that point soon.

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